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De Boekenlegger bestaat 20 jaar!



Overzicht boeken

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Taal van boek:

40 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
A Full Life / Reflections at Ninety Carter, Jimmy ( ds1267) €14,00 Bekijk
A history of Belize ; Nation in the making Leslie.R. (ed.) ds 1236 €8,50 Bekijk
A Traveller's History of Mexico Pearce, Kenneth (ds1304) €8,50 Bekijk
After the Flood Polidori, Robert ( ds 2001) €27,50 Bekijk
American indian myths and legends Erdoes R. en Ortiz A. ( ds1351) €7,50 Bekijk
America's First Battles 1776 - 1965 Heller, Charles E. and William A. Stofft (ds1248) €10,00 Bekijk
An Early Encounter With Tomorrow , Europeans, Chicago's Loop, and the World's Columbian Exposition Lewis, Arnold (ds1244) €10,00 Bekijk
Azteken Sartorius, Joachim (ds4002) €32,50 Bekijk
Bret Harte's Gold Rush / Outcasts of Poker Flat, the Luck of Roaring Camp, Tennessee's Partner, Other Favorites Harte, Bret ( ds1342) €7,50 Bekijk
Che Guevara and the Latin American Revolution Pineiro, Manuel "Barbarroja" (ds1371) €7,50 Bekijk
Columbus , The Four Voyages Bergreen, Laurence (ds1351) €7,50 Bekijk
Columbus and the age of discovery Zvi Dor-Ner (ds1233) €15,00 Bekijk
De Shelby Boys Greveling, Volkert (ds1280) €10,00 Bekijk
Dromers doemdenkers en doorzetters / verhalen van mensen en gebouwen in Coronie Veen, Fineke van der; Steege, Dick ter; Binnendijk, Chandra van (ds1348) €60,00 Bekijk
Flapper. A Madcap Story of Sex, Style, Celebrity, And the Women Who Made America Modern Zeitz, Joshua (ds1349) €10,50 Bekijk
Fort St James New Caledonia / Where British Columbia Began Elliott M. (ds1371B) €10,00 Bekijk
Guppy Pilot Smith, Roger, G. (ds1372B) €12,50 Bekijk
Im reich der roten wolke Korniss, Peter (ds1257) €9,00 Bekijk
In Motion / The African-American Migration Experience Dodson, Howard Sylviane A. Diouf The Schomburg Center for research in black culture (ds1257) €10,00 Bekijk
Inside the Revolution / Everyday Life in Socialist Cuba Rosendahl, Mona (ds1344) €7,50 Bekijk