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110 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
A field guide to the Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore Jeyarajasingam, Allen Pearson, Alan (ds1296) €12,50 Bekijk
A guide to the national parks and other wild places of Britain and Europe Gibbons, Bob (ds1239) €14,50 Bekijk
Allochtone Viervoeters Heideman, Betty (ds1205) €9,50 Bekijk
Amelisweerd en Rhijnauwen / druk 1 Eng, H. van der( ds 1268A) €7,50 Bekijk
An analysis of the parental behaviour of the male three-spined stickleback. (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) Iersel, J.J.A. van (ds1380) €8,50 Bekijk
An experimental study on the timing of breeding and migration in the three-spined stickleback (Gasteroteus Aguleatus L.) Baggerman, B. (ds1245) €7,50 Bekijk
Birds of the High Andes Fjeldsa, Jon Niels Krabbe (ds1226) €50,00 Bekijk
Birds of the Southwestern Desert Smith, Gusse Thomas (ds1279) €10,00 Bekijk
Bomen. Een beschrijving van meer dan 150 soorten bomen, met vele illustrates in kleur Pokorny, Jaromir (ds1379) €9,50 Bekijk
British Mosses and liverworts Watson, E.V. (ds1373A) €19,95 Bekijk
Cactussen Laren, A.J van (ds1280A) €9,50 Bekijk
Cat shots Slung Michele (ds1276) €15,00 Bekijk
Cats for Dummies Spadafori, Gina (ds1203) €10,50 Bekijk
Changing worlds, 35 years of conservation achievement De Mattos-Shipley, Helen , Lyons, Jane and others (ds1245) €9,50 Bekijk
Cleveland's treasures from the world of botanical literature Johnston, Stanley H.Jr (ds1255) €9,50 Bekijk
Contemporary Floral Design Blacklock, Judith (ds1280A) €12,50 Bekijk
Crustacea Guide of the World. Shrimps - Crabs - Lobsters - Mantis Shrimps - Amphipods Debelius, Helmut (ds35) €24,50 Bekijk
Crustaceans Schmitt, Waldo L. (ds1206) €7,50 Bekijk
Cultivating Your Creative Life / Exercises, Activities, and Inspiration for Finding Balance, Beauty, and Success as an Artist Hennessey, Alena (ds1371) €19,50 Bekijk
Cultural and Historical Analysis De Hoge Veluwe National Park Derks, G.J.M. et al (ds 1372A) €8,50 Bekijk